I was recently invited to check out the MAC Villains Event in SF at the MACY'S counter by l1lmamaj on twitter. If you don't know her.. well.. you should!! Find her gorgeous looks and blog at : http://www.l1lmamaj.blogspot.com/ She has this gorgeous elegance about her. UGH! Even in person she's flawless!
So she mentioned it would be cool to bring a few friends. I asked my two girlfriends if they wanted to go & Tulio was down to document! I went with Nicole (The one who recently got mentioned in my Hawaiian Flower Inspired Look video) and Athena (Where I've featured in many looks on my blog). So we decided to trek up to San Francisco on that Saturday.
The girls met at my house and we were on our way! We were super excited (just to get out together lol) and have some fun & buy makeup. We decided to eat dinner up in the city and opted for Mel's Diner. It was hella good. Bad thing, we were stuffed. I think we all pushed the limits.. but that wasn't the bad part lol. So we pay our tab and we are early to our time to meet up with Jen aka l1lmamaj.
We decide to walk. Athena girl had her gps out on her phone and was guidin' us to the light!! lol. However, 20 minutes walking in... we started questioning what direction we were going. Not gewt. Tulio decides to go into a coffee shop and ask where the eff we were lol. Tulio comes back to tell us we are 6-7 blocks away from MACY'S!! If you've been in downtown Frisco you know a block is like 651684351368531385 million square feet. lol Seriously.
On our way there we spotted this cool half trolley!!
Sooooo there went my hair, windy as hell.. .sweaty.. and bloated from dinner we trek our way back to where we started. Come to find out we were only 2 blocks from the restaurant! sigh.. just our luck right? lol anyway, we had fun lookin' at the weirdo's and working off the meal.
We finally get to MACY'S!! and automatically see a cardboard set up for Dr. Facilier! Of course being the dorks we were.. had to get photo time in.. (as you can see below lol)
There was awesome displays all over the place!
We then moved on to see part of the collection and wait for l1lmamaj to get done at the cashier.
It was great to see the some of the colors in person, but hmmm a lot was missing! Shouldn't a company as big as MAC have these in stock? Wouldn't they assume that this would be a huge collection like Hello Kitty? If not, I suggest they get some better workers to understand the makeup business. Because this isn't the first time they have sold out of products on a collection.
Come to find out, a lot was sold out.. which I knew would happen. The good thing was that the lipglasses I wanted were in stock. I was also there to spend most of my money on face products like concealer, foundation and powder. My friend Athena picked up a few items below. This is our collective Haul. More of her Haul than mine lol. I just got two lipglasses in "Strange Potion" & "Hot House".
"Strange Potion" (Left) & "Hot House" (Right) Swatches
It was really neat to finally meet another Bay Area makeup lover like Jen. She was super nice and helpful in finding a good shade for my skin.
It was also cool to notice that Aprilj0 from YouTube worked there as well! I noticed her and asked if it was her, and she was like "Yes!" She was suppper cool and I asked if I could take a picture with her. I lovvve her paintings and her color combos on YouTube so it was awesome to meet in person. She even took out her camera to take a photo with me! how cool is that? You can check her YouTube tutorials here http://www.youtube.com/Aprilj0
Even though they were out of a lot, I left super happy! My friends and I enjoyed posing in all of the movie Disney Villains Sets they had through out MACY'S as well.
I hope you enjoy these wacky photos!!
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