Part l featured Beth Harbison's latest chick lit book Hope In A Jar, a novel that integrates beauty products and makeovers around the story of Allie and Olivia, high school friends who meet up again at their 20th reunion having followed different paths since graduation.
You'll also be able to relate to the the local setting since Beth grew up locally in Potomac and still lives in the Washington area.
Hope In A Jar is getting national attention with positive reviews recently in People magazine and the Daily Beast.
Hope In A Jar is getting national attention with positive reviews recently in People magazine and the Daily Beast.
Beth's previous books were Shoe Addicts Anonymous and Secrets of a Shoe Addict, and any or all three books would be perfect beach companions or birthday gifts for your BFF.
To find a little more about the author and her beauty obsessions we had a few questions for Beth:
To find a little more about the author and her beauty obsessions we had a few questions for Beth:
BeautyInDC: Why did you decide to become a writer?
Beth: I was a voracious reader and very often a book wouldn't end the way I wanted it to so I'd want to re-write it. Eventually, though, it seemed easier to simply write my own stuff from scratch, so I gave it a try and loved it. It's great to be able to go wherever I want, with whomever I want, any time I fiction.
BeautyInDC: Can you tell us a little something about yourself--are you married or single and do you have kids?
Beth: I was a voracious reader and very often a book wouldn't end the way I wanted it to so I'd want to re-write it. Eventually, though, it seemed easier to simply write my own stuff from scratch, so I gave it a try and loved it. It's great to be able to go wherever I want, with whomever I want, any time I fiction.
BeautyInDC: Can you tell us a little something about yourself--are you married or single and do you have kids?
Beth: I'm married and have two kids and two dogs. My life is very suburban; days at the pool, wine on the porch with the neighborhood women at night. It's good.
BeautyInDC: Is Hope In A Jar somewhat autobiographical--and if so are you Allie or Olivia? And are ome of the other characters based on classmates from Winston Churchill H.S.?
Beth: The characters are not actually based on anyone, though both have many thoughts and feelings I can relate to. I'm working on something at the moment that's a bit more personal, more autobiographical, and it's surprisingly hard. Making stuff up flows a lot faster than writing the truth!
BeautyInDC: What is your writing style--do you write every day, in the morning or night..etc?
Beth: I write whenever I can and basically feel guilty about it all day long when I'm not doing it. It's a viscious cycle.
BeautyInDC: In Hope In A Jar you make a lot of references to beauty products from the past to present--what are some of the favorite products you use?
Beth: I am insane for Hourglass make-up right now. Also Boots no. 7 Protect and Perfect Intense Beauty Serum - it's really really good; I've noticed an improvement in just a few weeks.
BeautyInDC: Are you working on anything now?
Beth: Yes, I'm working on a book about trying to reconcile past love and loss.
Beth: The characters are not actually based on anyone, though both have many thoughts and feelings I can relate to. I'm working on something at the moment that's a bit more personal, more autobiographical, and it's surprisingly hard. Making stuff up flows a lot faster than writing the truth!
BeautyInDC: What is your writing style--do you write every day, in the morning or night..etc?
Beth: I write whenever I can and basically feel guilty about it all day long when I'm not doing it. It's a viscious cycle.
BeautyInDC: In Hope In A Jar you make a lot of references to beauty products from the past to present--what are some of the favorite products you use?
Beth: I am insane for Hourglass make-up right now. Also Boots no. 7 Protect and Perfect Intense Beauty Serum - it's really really good; I've noticed an improvement in just a few weeks.
BeautyInDC: Are you working on anything now?
Beth: Yes, I'm working on a book about trying to reconcile past love and loss.
BeautyInDC: If someone wanted to find out more about you and your books do you have a website?
Beth: Yup -
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